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Complete Lawn and Landscape Supply in Milwaukee, WI, offers a comprehensive range of herbicides designed to keep your lawn and garden looking pristine. Our expert team is here to assist you with selecting the best products for your job.
Visit us today to find the perfect herbicide for your landscaping work. With over 60 years of combined experience, our team ensures you get the right advice and products quickly and efficiently.
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Non-selective aquatic weed control for in and around flowing or stagnant fresh and estuaries or brackish water.
A preemergent water-dispersible granule herbicide for use in established turfgrass and other non-crop areas to control more than 30 weeds. This product controls weeds such as crabgrass, barnyard grass, foxtails, chickweed, bluegrass, henbit, knotweed, see label for more controlled weeds.
"Three-way" formulation of triclopyr, fluroxypyr and MCPA in an easy-to-use liquid formulation. Provides postemergent control of tough broadleaf weeds. Its 2,4-D-free formulation is effective in cool and warm season turfgrass.
A superior warm weather broadleaf herbicide. Its amine formulation controls a wide spectrum of broadleaf weeds, including hard-to-kill weeds that other herbicides will not. Active Ingredients include 2,4-D Amine and Triclopyr.
This herbicide has two different active ingredients, Triclopyr and Clopyralid to control a broad spectrum of weeds such as tough to kill weeds like wild violet and oxalis. Confront will provide close to 100% control of 35 hard to control broadleaf weeds when used according to directions on the label.
A three-way postemergent selective herbicide that controls dandelions, chickweeds, plantains, oxalis, spurge and a vast range of broadleaf weeds in cool weather climates. Cool Power's premium ester formulation is ideal for winter weed control, dormant warm season turf and early season applications in transition zones and cool season climates.
Early season postemergent weed control. Ideal to mix with dimension for a low temperature attack on weeds.
Turf and ornamental preemmergent weed control. Ideal for control of crabgrass in turf, see label for complete list of controlled weeds.
Fast-acting postemergent herbicide which has great control of crabgrass and a variety of broadleaf weeds. Rainfast is less than one hour.
A "three-way" herbicide that controls over 240 broadleaf weeds. Compatible with most liquid fertilizers and iron.
Nonselective weed control of emerged weeds in non-crop areas. Under good growing conditions, you will see visual effects on weeds 2-4 days after application.
A selective postemergent turf and ornamental herbicide that controls a long list of both perennial and annual grass weeds in a variety of turf and landscape areas. Fusilade II can be applied over-the-top or as a directed spray without damaging valuable ornamental plants/shrubs. It can also be used at reduced rates to safely remove bermudagrass from tall fescue and zoysia grass.
A dispersible granule mixed with water to be sprayed on non-cropland where bare ground is desired. Acts as a soil sterilant for up to a year depending on weeds present, soil type, application rate, soil temps, and precipitation. Ideal for storage areas, utility, pipeline rights of way, etc. See label for additional specifics.
For selective postemergence control of broadleaf weeds in non-residential turfgrass, including turfgrass grown for seed or sod farms, and certain ornamental plantings, such as conifers, nonleguminous woody species, and ornamental grasses, in landscapes and nurseries.
A water-soluble liquid glyphosate formulation that mixes readily with water to be applied as a foliar spray for the control or destruction of most herbaceous plants.
Selective 3-way broadleaf weed control in turf grass including sod farms. Also labeled for highways, right of ways and other similar non-crop areas. 2, 4-D, mecoprop-p and Dicamba combined to control dandelions, clover and many other broadleaf weeds.
An herbicide that can be used for both pre- and postemergence control of more than 45 broadleaf weeds and grasses in turfgrass. Meso 4SC Select inhibits photosynthesis in susceptible plants and is absorbed systemically through leaves, roots and shoots. Can be effectively used for weed control prior to and when seeding of specific types of turfgrasses.
Milestone Specialty Herbicide is specially formulated to provide excellent control on broadleaf weeds and woody plants in a wide range of use sites. It features a flexible formula which helps deliver long-lasting control of weeds and woody brush, vines, including noxious and invasive species on diverse sites to achieve maximum vegetation management. It guarantees to effectively kill invasive weeds but leaves little to no damage on desirable cool and warm season grasses, including bahiagrass and bermudagrass.
Selective 3-way broadleaf weed control in turf grass including sod farms. Contains 2,4-D clopyralid and Dicamba. Not labeled for use on residential lawns.
Provides long-term suppression of common roadside grasses like tall fescue, bahiagrass, and smooth bromegrass. Also controls invasive and noxious species like cheatgrass, and leafy spurge. Plateau helps release and establish native grasses and wildflowers.
Nufarm Polaris controls Japanese bamboo and cattails as well as most other tough aquatic, brushy weeds. It can be used in riparian zones, wetlands, estuaries, roadside and utility rights-of-way, wildlife openings, and other non-cropland areas.
Combines prodiamine and glyphosate, two of the most trusted turf and lawn care solutions, into one convenient formulation. One application is often all you need; ProDeuce reduces the cost and damage associated with mechanical trimmers and decreases labor inputs.
The Quali-Pro Prodiamine 4L Pre-Emergent Herbicide is a liquid flowable herbicide that effectively controls grasses and broadleaf weeds. It features a low-staining formulation, low solubility and volatility. Prodiamine 4L works by impeding the growth and development of the target pests.
A pre-emergence herbicide that provides residual control of many grass and broadleaf weeds by preventing growth and development of newly germinated weeds. Weed control is most effective when Prodiamine 4SC SELECT is activated by at least 0.5 inch of rainfall or irrigation or shallow incorporation (1-2 inches) before weed seeds germinate and within 14 days following application.
Sprayable preemergent for annual grasses, and broadleaf weeds. For use in landscape beds, established turf grass including sod farms, along with established perennial and wildflower plantings. Can be applied in fall after soil temp is below 50 degrees, but before ground freezes. Will release as soil thaws for effective early spring pre-emergent control.
Controls yellow and purple nutsedge and certain other broadleaf weeds like horsetail. Controls nutsedge by moving through the plant and affecting the underground growing points (rhizomes and tubers).
Postemergence control of more than 200 tough broadleaf weeds plus crabgrass, foxtail, barnyardgrass and signalgrass. Ideal for broadcast spray or spot applications. 3 active ingredients that provide a knockout punch to weeds.
A selective postemergent herbicide that can be safely applied to many types of turf to control a variety of broadleaf and grassy weeds. This product can be applied to both residential and non-residential turf. This herbicide can be applied from 7 days before seeding and up to 28 days after emergence on selected weeds.
Quinclorac 75 DF is a water-soluble selective post-emergent herbicide that kills broadleaf weeds and grasses in tolerant turf species. Used as a post-emergent, this crabgrass killer herbicide controls many broad-leaf and grass weeds in turf-grasses on commercial and residential grounds or lawns for homes, airports, athletic fields, golf courses, military and other institutions, parks, roadsides, schools, sod farms.
Ranger Pro is a postemergence, systemic herbicide with no residual soil activity. It gives broad-spectrum control of many annual weeds, perennial weeds, woody brush and trees. It is formulated as a water-soluble liquid containing surfactant and no additional surfactant is needed or recommended.
Razor Pro provides broad spectrum postemergent weed control for industrial sites, forestry, turf, vegetation management and ornamental areas. A surfactant-loaded liquid glyphosate that eliminates the need for additional surfactant, rainfast within two hours of application.
Reward is a fast-acting herbicide and algaecide that desiccates plant tissue on contact. Reward stops plant photosynthesis within minutes, if conditions allow. Reward works on a large variety of submersed, emergent and floating aquatic plants.
Improved formulation of glyphosate with 5.5 lbs ai/gal and high loading of surfactant for superior results.
Non-selective sprayable formulation of glyphosate and diquat dibromide for quick burn down and complete control on non-crop areas and industrial sites. Granular is easy to mix with water, reduces spilling potential and won't freeze.
Sahara sterilizes the soil and will kill all living plant life in the vicinity of where it is applied and prevent any growth for a period of time. Sahara will control most annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds in addition to many brush and vine species, and Sahara will provide residual control of weeds which germinate in the treated areas.
Non-selective contact herbicide. When this product makes contact with a living plant, it will quickly penetrate the green plant tissue and disrupt normal membrane permeability and cellular hysiology. The disruption of the cell membrane results in a cell leakage and death of all contacted tissue.
Sightline is the only triclopyr herbicide labeled with right-of-way and residential application for the control of woody and herbaceous broadleaf weeds. Sightline is rainfast within two hours and unwanted plant growth can be controlled within 7-14 days.
A selective preemergent herbicide that provides control of listed annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in landscape ornamentals, ground covers, perennials, non-bearing fruit and nut trees, container grown ornamentals, non-bearing vineyards, field-grown ornamentals and non-cropland.
A selective preemergence herbicide for control of certain broadleaf weeds and annual grasses in container and field grown ornamentals, landscape ornamentals, and a variety of other areas. It is effective on more than 125 broadleaf and grassy weeds. Each granule is made up of thousands of subparticles that break apart with as little as 0.2 inches of moisture.
Speedzone is an excellent selective post-emergent herbicide with superior cool-weather performance and can be used on established cool and warm-season grasses for common and troublesome weeds in turf-grass such as spurge, pennywort, dandelion, and white clover. Evidence of injury can be seen within hours of application, and plants can die in 7 to 14 days.
The highest loaded liquid three-way phenoxy formulation available to the market. The high rates of three different amines delivers unsurpassed broadleaf weed control with reduced risk to ornamentals and dicamba sensitive plants. Spoiler is particularly effective on tough summer annuals such as oxalis, knotweed, pursland, and spurge.
Stinger herbicide provides superior control of Canada thistle in wheat, sugarbeets, corn, and other crops. And, unlike other herbicides, it can significantly reduce thistle populations next season.
A selective preemergent herbicide for the control of annual grasses and many broadleaf weeds in landscape ornamentals, container grown ornamentals, field grown ornamentals, ornamental bulbs, ground covers/perennials.
Broadleaf herbicide for turf is a water-based amine product that works as a cost-effective option for broadleaf weeds in late spring, early summer, and the fall maintaining its effectiveness in heat up to 90F.
Tenacity is a systemic preemergence and post-emergence herbicide for the selective contact and residual control of weeds in turfgrasses. When applied as a preemergent, weeds absorb Tenacity during emergence from the soil. When used as a postemergent, susceptible weeds absorb Tenacity through foliar contact and soil absorption. Foliage of treated weeds cease growth after application, then turn white (loss of chlorophyll) and death may take up to three weeks.
A specialty herbicide effectively kills cut stumps when you are cleaning out fence lines and non-cropland areas. RTU stands for Ready-To-Use, and that's just what it is. No mixing or measuring is required, and you can use it nearly year-round.
Preemergence herbicide for control of certain annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in container grown ornamentals, landscape ornamentals, nursery stock, ground covers, established flowers, ornamental bulbs, non-bearing fruit and nut trees, non-bearing vineyards and certain food crops.
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Select-contains four active ingredients, including sulfentrazone, that broaden the spectrum of postemergent broadleaf weed control with proven performance in turfgrass. Weed injury symptoms can be noticed within hours of the application and plant death can occur within ten to fourteen days.
TRIAD SFZ SELECT is generally rainfast in as little as six hours.
Triamine Jet Spray comes in an easy and ready to use can. Triamine Jet Spray is a weed killer that covers dandelions, clover, chickweed, and other weeds on ornamental turf and lawns. Not for use on vegetable or flower beds, ornamental plantings or around shrubs. It controls most weeds that are common in home lawns.
An herbicide for control of woody plants, annuals and perennial broadleaf weeds in forests, grass pastures, rangeland, crop acres, rights-of-way, and in non-crop areas and ornamental turf, industrial sites and non-irrigation ditch banks.
A broadleaf herbicide that is formulated for the professional with a little more 2,4-D to rapidly give you results you can see, like very fast dandelion curl, while keeping your overall costs of application low. Trimec 992 broadleaf herbicide is what you need for control of broadleaf weeds in commercial, residential, and institutional settings on both cold and warm season grass like fescue, Kentucky blue grass, perennial ryegrass, zoysia grass, and bermudagrass. Not for use on St. Augustine grasses.
This aquatic glyphosate herbicide can be applied to all bodies of water including lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, estuaries, rice leaves, seeps, irrigation and drainage ditches, canals, reservoirs, and similar sites.
Aquashade Pond Dye is a blend of blue and yellow dyes which shades specific portions of the sunlight spectrum (red-orange and blue-violet) required by underwater aquatic plant and algae growth.
A liquid concentrate soluble in water effective against a vast range of aquatic plants. Aquathol K has a wide margin of tolerance for fish and other aquatic animals. Available in granular as well.
Aquathol Super K Granular with potassium is a selective, rapid-acting, contact herbicide. Controls submerged weeds in lakes and ponds. Works rapidly enough to be effective in both still and slow-moving water.
Cutrine Plus Granular Algaecide is an algaecide from Applied Biocheists, capable of quickly clearing acres of troublesome bottom growing algae, particularly Chara, Nitella, Filamentous, and Hydrilla.
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Contact herbicide that shows signs of death to weeds within days. Optimum results are seen if the weeds are young and actively growing.
Diquat SPC Herbicide offers fast, non-selective control of aquatic weeds. It spreads quickly through the waterto provide broad-spectrum control of floating, submersed and marginal weeds. Plus, with Diquat SPC Herbicide, there's no concern with groundwater contamination or toxicity to fish, other organisms or wildlife.
Navigate granular aquatic herbicide is perfect for spot treating weeds around docks,beach areas and shorelines. Navigate herbicide kills the roots of many plants such as Water Milfoil, Coontail and Water Lilies. This aquatic weed control works on both submerged and floating aquatic weeds.
A concentrated microbial product containing a minimum of 1 billion CFU's (colony forming units) per gram of a proprietary blend of bacteria that quickly biodegrade the nutrients, organic matter and hydrocarbons in water that contribute to clouding and foul odors. The bacteria in Pond Saver are naturally occurring strains that have NOT been genetically engineered. These bacteria were selected for their natural ability to quickly clean and deodorize nutrient-rich waters. Pond Saver is a natural, biodegradable product and is not harmful to plants or animals, including fish.
Serving the Milwaukee, WI area, Complete Lawn and Landscape Supply carries a large inventory of tools and products for lawn care, landscaping, and winter services. Quick delivery and pickup options available. A local firm with 60+ years of combined experience. Certified arborist on the team. Call or visit us today.
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