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Complete Lawn and Landscape Supply in Milwaukee, WI, offers a wide range of fungicide products to keep your plants looking their best.
Whether you’re dealing with pesky mold or mildew, our fungicides can help. We offer quick delivery and pickup, ensuring you get what you need when you need it. Our product knowledge is unmatched, with over 60 years of combined experience and a certified arborist on our team.
Visit us now to explore our selection and discover the perfect solution for your landscaping needs.
This fungicide is very effective in controlling plant diseases such as Pythophthora, downy mildew, pythium, black spot, root rot, anthracnose, and more. It contains monoand di-potassium salts of phosphorous acid and it functions as both a curative and preventive treatment to plants. It may be applied as a foliar spray, soil drench, by soil incorporation, through basal bark treatment and as a bare root dip.
Systemic fungicide used for the prevention and treatment of Oak Wilt and Dutch Elm Disease.
Preventative and therapeutic treatment for Dutch Elm Disease and Sycamore Anthracnose.
A systemic fungicide, designed to achieve control of some of the toughest turf diseases, such as brown patch, fairy ring, leaf spot and yellow patch. Total protection is achieved through a combination of foliar and root absorption. Highly systemic, Azoxy 50 WDG Select provides continuous protection to the whole plant for up to 28 days.
Clearys 3336 DG Lite Granular Fungicide is a systemic fungicide products for the prevention and control of turf diseases and the diseases of annual and perennial flowers, bedding plants, foliage plants, ground covers, plus deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs.
A broad-spectrum turf and ornamental fungicide that features preventative disease protection with multi-site activity. As a result, Chlorothalonil can be used repeatedly with little risk of resistance.
A broad-spectrum turf and ornamental fungicide that features preventative disease protection with multi-site activity. As a result, Chlorothalonil 82.5 DF can be used repeatedly with little risk of resistance.
Companion Biological Fungicides- (2.5 gallons) Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Item LinkOHP Compass O 50WDG Fungicide is a mesostemic fungicide that will help control stem, root, and foliar diseases on ornamental plants grown in field nursery plantings, interiorscapes, greenhouses, forest nurseries, lath and shadehouses, and other enclosed structures. It contains trifloxystrobin as its active ingredient which is effective in providing contact protection against surface fungi.
Fixed copper fungicide made by combining a soluble copper fertilizer with a fatty acid to form a true soap. This copper soap fungicide protects plants from infection from a wide range of diseases, including downy and powdery mildews.
CuPRO 5000 DF Fungicide has advanced technology that will deliver excellent disease control with a dry flowable decreased handling, packing and loading time, and dust exposure.
Eagle 20EW Specialty Fungicide provides excellent control of a wide variety of lawn, turf, and ornamental diseases including dollar spot and brown patch and is labeled for use on major turf varieties, landscape ornamentals, and backyard fruit trees and vines.
Broad spectrum, preventative fungicide with systemic and curative properties recommended for the control of many important plant diseases on turf, ornamentals, greenhouse, hydroponic, and other home and garden landscapes. May be applied as a foliar spray in alternating spray programs or in tank mixes with other registered turf and ornamental protection products.
Junction 15DF WSP- (6 pounds) Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Item LinkQuali-Pro Mefenoxam 2 AQ Fungicide is specially formulated to provide systemic control of plant diseases caused by members of the Oomycete class of fungi. It contains Mefenoxam as its active ingredient which effectively controls root and stem diseases caused by Pythium and Phytophthora spp. as well as foliar diseases such as downy mildew. It features a water-based formula with low odor and it guarantees protection for up to 3 weeks.
Specially formulated to provide systemic solution for fungal diseases in ornamentals, turfgrass and fruit trees. It uses Myclobutanil as its active ingredient, which ensures excellent preventative and curative control of plant disease such as dollar spot, anthracnose, brown patch, summer spot, powdery mildew, spring dead spot, and more.
A local systemic fungicide effective on a broad range of common fungal pathogens that may cause unsightly leaf damage, thinning canopies, and a generally weakened and stressed appearance. This stress may also lower the tree’s amount of energy, making it more susceptible to other harmful organisms. Myclotect™ protects trees from these pathogens and increases the overall health of trees.
Two modes of action work in concert for protection against top-of-mind diseases like Botrytis spp., rust, powdery mildew, and Thielaviopsis spp. Rely on Orkestra Intrinsic brand fungicide for effective disease control and plant health benefits, including stronger roots and improved plant resilience to stressors like cold, heat, drought and shipping. The result is healthier, more consistent, high-quality plants.
A fungicide that controls and prevents dollar spot, brown patch, anthracnose, red thread, gray snow mold and leaf spots on non-residential turf such as golf courses, athletic fields, and sod farms.
Phyton 35- (1 gallon) Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Item LinkProvides preventative and curative control of many turfgrass and ornamental diseases. Propiconazole 14.3 Select inhibits the incorporation of ergosterol into the growing fungal cell membranes. Without ergosterol, the fungal cellular growth is stopped. By disrupting fungal growth at the earliest possible stage, the impact and effects of the diseases is minimized. Propiconazole is a broad-spectrum product and works to control over 18 turf diseases.
A broad-spectrum fungicide recommended for the control of many important plant diseases. PPZ 41.8 Select provides preventative and curative control of many turfgrass, ornamental and crop diseases. By providing full season protection for some crops, PPZ 41.8 Select is an economical way to protect and enhance the return on your investment. With a low odor emulsifiable concentrate formulation, PPZ 41.8 Select is a highly compatible tank mix partner. It is effective in improving the rate of establishment, when applied to cool season grass seedlings or sod.
Spectro 90 WDG controls and prevents a wide range a diseases on both turfgrass, ornamental plants, flowers, foliage plants, bedding plants, trees, shrubs, and ground covers. Spectro 90 WDG works both systemically and on contact. This product can be tank mixed with most commonly used pesticides (see label for full details) and has a full chemigation label.
Spotrete F Fungicide offers a unique formulation that helps control select foliar diseases, as well as provide effective animal repellency. This product provides both preventive and curative action of common diseases in non-residential turf, deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs while protecting against rabbit, deer and rodent depredation.
Strobe 50 WG is a professional systemic fungicide that can be applied preventatively and can clear existing diseases away easily. It is a wettable granular compound to be mixed with water for a sprayed solution. Strobe 50 WG will stop the disease in its tracks, regardless of what stage the disease is in at the time of application and is absorbed by the plant’s crowns, leaves and roots.
Use Subdue GR on bedding plants, flowers, perennials, shrubs and other ornamental plants in outdoor landscapes and interiorscapes to control damping-off, downy mildew and root and stem rot diseases caused by Pythium and Phytophthora. Apply either as a soil surface application or incorporate into the soil at the time of seeding and transplanting. When applying Subdue GR to the soil surface, irrigate with enough water to completely wet the root zone after application.
Preventive, curative, superlative disease control – T-Methyl Fungicide offers it all. It protects turf and ornamentals against a wide range of diseases with effective, systemic disease control, which is why thiophanate-methyl is one of the most widely used fungicides in the world.
Provides preventive and curative control against some of the most difficult diseases. Tebuconazole 3.6 Select can protect your ornamentals for up to 3 weeks against diseases such as mildews, rusts and blights. Tebuconazole 3.6 Select can be used to combat numerous diseases on all golf turf applications of cool and warm season grasses or their mixtures.
As one of the most active fungicides on the market, it’s the go-to solution for effective control of a broad spectrum of tough diseases, including anthracnose, brown patch, summer patch, take-all patch, fairy ring, dollar spot, necrotic ring spot, gray leaf spot, snow mold and other patch diseases.
Serving the Milwaukee, WI area, Complete Lawn and Landscape Supply carries a large inventory of tools and products for lawn care, landscaping, and winter services. Quick delivery and pickup options available. A local firm with 60+ years of combined experience. Certified arborist on the team. Call or visit us today.
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